Sustainable development of the aquaculture industry

Sustainable development of the aquaculture industry

The auto store system beneath sea level, for salmon!

Our technology is scalable and cost-effective to manufacture

Subsea harvest provides a significant reduction in development costs (CAPEX), which results in a significantly lower threshold for the realization of the farming method.


Optimal Fish Welfare throughout production in a safe environment, with good water quality, little to no handling, disease, mortality, or escape.

Scalable solution

The technology is scalable and cost-effective to manufacture, install and maintain throughout the project’s lifetime.

Smart technology

Subsea harvest collects seawater from levels below where the salmon lice and toxic algae are located. Subsea harvest is a closed facility.

Avoids problems with salmon lice.

Key systems and benefits:

One of our main targets is to use the land under water, which is nearly untouched to this day when it comes to this type of industry, which gives us a massive new area for production.


Can be used as both Offshore and Inshore solution

Can also be used with infrastructure that is already in place and make it more profitable in that manner and reduce the use of well boats which could optimize the overall production. The infrastructure can be connected directly to land infrastructure if installed inshore.